"GFY" Comedy Night Hosted by Jennifer Mikacich
Friday September 27th
Get ready for a night of laughs that'll leave your sides hurting—in the best way possible! Join us at Limelight for "GFY Comedy Night" hosted by Jennifer Mikacich. What does GFY stand for? Well, let’s just say it’s a phrase you'll be tempted to yell at your ex, your boss, or that one friend who never pays you back. We can't spell it out, but you get the idea.
Jennifer and a lineup of top-notch comedians will deliver the kind of no-holds-barred comedy that’ll have you laughing, crying, and maybe even questioning a few life choices. So, grab a drink, leave your sensitivity at the door, and come prepared to laugh until you almost—just almost—forget what GFY stands for.
See you there, if you’ve got the guts!
Tickets available at Eventbrite.com